So this is part three and I still have a lot of movies to maybe I don't give you a synopsis of each. And again, these are in no particular order. I just really enjoyed them.
"Marvel's The Avengers" - There's a reason it's the number one grossing film of all time. It really is that good. Great performances all around. The Hulk is as good as you've heard (if you're one of the 8 who hasn't actually seen it yet).
"Skyfall" - The best Bond film ever? I have to say yes. Bond is real in this movie. He cries, for God's sake! And Bardem is a fantastic villain. This is a Bond film that really should be nominated for Best Picture at the Oscars. Just fantastic from start to finish.
"Life of Pi" - I spent a good portion of this movie crying. There are a lot of tough scenes in this, tough scenes that you know aren't real, but they are hard to watch nonetheless. And when you see it, see it in 3D. The visual effects are staggering and will leave you with your mouth agape. We left the theatre exhausted and with lots of questions: which story was real? Does it matter in the end?
"The Dark Knight Rises" - A fantastic finish to this trilogy. An ending that made me happy. I wasn't totally sold on the character of Bane (about 1/3 of the time I wasn't sure what he was saying, and I thought the wrap-up of his character was a little anti-climactic), but everything else was pretty close to perfection. This is a superhero who made himself super. He doesn't come from another world, he wasn't bitten by a radioactive spider. He just has really neat gadgets and an overwhelming desire to protect. And Anne Hathaway was just fantastic. She could do no wrong this year.

"Magic Mike" - McConaghuey strips. Enough said.
"Haywire" - A little Soderbergh movie. Did not get a lot of views, and I caught it on DVD. But it is a great little action flick with a female star who really kicks ass. Double crossers get double crossed and a lot of fighting. Well worth your time.
"The Hobbit" - How on Middle Earth is Peter Jackson going to stretch this one book into three movies? I don't know and if the remaining two are as good as the first one, I don't care!
"Battleship" - Vastly better than it got credit for. I really enjoyed the tribute to the veterans and I really enjoyed Taylor Kitsch. Love him.

I have to single out Tom Cruise's performance in "Rock of Ages". Like most, I was not all that thrilled with the movie as a whole, but Tom...oh Tom...I just love him. He was great. Every moment he was in the movie made the movie worthwhile.
I also have to specifically single out the battle scene in "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part Two". I reacted so viscerally to that scene. I saw it with two of my friends at the first showing (10pm, not midnight, that's how ready we were to see it) and they were genuinely worried about me. But they were having so much fun watching me that they did nothing about it. I was a mess of tears, yelling that this was the most horrible scene ever and why make the movie at all??? And then...when IT happens (and those of you who have seen it know what I mean), I yelled "I KNEW IT!" and then threw my empty candy box at the movie screen. Not my finest moment, but my friends enjoyed it. They told me later that the majority of the people sitting around me did as well.
So, there you have it. 2012 was a pretty good year for movies. I can't wait to see if Hollywood rises to the challenge in 2013!
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